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Kundalini Energy


We are a group of inter dimensional beings speaking to you on behalf of the Galactic Federation and more importantly we represent the wishes of All That Is.

Today we would like to speak about a few things. We would like to as an example take some experiences we have noticed and demonstrate this as a backdrop of all the things we have been speaking about. In our previous transmissions we have talked about dark energy and the evolution of your human experience from the 3rd to the 5th dimension. These topics if you are listening to it for the first time can be very challenging to understand.

As you enter this forum from your everyday life you are perhaps going to work, earning a living, taking care of your family and dealing with the world that is outside of your family unit. These topics seem like they are outside of all of this and in a way it appears that you have to set all of this aside to concentrate on this other part of you that is seeking to be spiritual and connect with a higher light. This is what we would perhaps like to speak about today. The scenario we have painted above is the ideal world of the dark energies. They created this scenario for you so that you would not have time to ponder or to think about your spiritual life or your connection to All That Is. These things that you keep yourself busy with occupy your mind every moment of your day as they compound upon each other. You wake up and you already have your day planned out for you as you move through your day your tasks unfold and other things distract you and take you to this place and that. All of these things seem quite urgent and important and if they are not taken care of there are consequences.

If you don’t work you are unable to pay for your home or your car. These are important things in your reality and we understand this. Please know that we don’t wish for you to leave your job or to stop taking care of your children or your family. We ask that you only become aware of this larger picture and ponder the things that have been set in place for you so that you live your life a certain way. We have found that many are unhappy with this way of life. There are many that do jobs out of necessity just so they can pay their bills. Why is this? Do you see that your society was designed in this way so that you are not accountable to yourself anymore, you work for the system that gives you some semblance of security and happiness. These things can just as easily be taken away as has been demonstrated over the last year and a half. How many people have buckled under this pressure? Do not lose heart. These acts are being shown to you so that you are able to see just how much you have been controlled and how deeply you have allowed for your freedoms to be given away to another. You are sovereign beings and you are responsible only to yourself. You are on this path for a higher purpose. You cannot take any of the wealth and riches you gather with you beyond this life. You can only take your good deeds and the emotional impact you have made on your soul, these are the impressions that will be carried forward.

As you contemplate your life, try to look into your heart and look for all the things that you imagined yourself to be doing. Things that would really make you happy on a creative level. You are a creator being and this trait is innate in everyone. What would that be? How much of this is incorporated into your life at present?

The ascension process that we have talked about is an honourable path to be on, it is a path that takes you on a journey where you are walking beside a higher power who is experiencing your life with you as you progress through it. Every high and low you experience, this energy is right there with you. If you are depressed, this being is depressed, if you are happy, this being is happy, so you see, it is as if you have a reflection of yourself in this being as you move through your life.

This energy does not exist to play favourite to anyone, to dole out wealth or to punish, it is there just to bear witness to your experience and to experience your life as you live it. We say this so that you come to understand this energy and become conscious of your way of life. You create all the circumstances that surround your everyday life. Being present and knowing what you are about to embark on is a good compass for you to, in each moment be conscious of all the things you do so that you are entering these deeds in full knowing and take responsibility of their outcome.

Let us explain this with an example. You wish to go out with your friends after work and you meet at a bar. You have many interactions and you are having a good time. While all of this is taking place many alcoholic drinks are consumed and you do this as part of the gathering and no thought is paid to what this is potentially doing to your body, you are in the moment and so you keep going along with what is taking place. By the end of the night you have had too much to drink, you can barely get home and you stumble into your bed.

You wake up the next day and your mind and body are disassociated, you think back on the night and you think to yourself what a great time I had. Let us reflect on this for a moment. Your body consumed a poison that affected the balance of your mind, it took you into a place that was not of your true consciousness. It created this scenario where you were having a good time. The next day as you awoke you tried to clear your mind and regain your connection to your true consciousness. Why not stay in this state for good, why would you wish to be in your true consciousness? Didn’t you have a good time, why don’t you call your friends and have another party through the day? Many have done this and have gone into a degraded state of existence. The body and mind are not designed to be this way. Yes these things provide you with a temporary state of bliss but it is not a true sense of bliss.

These states again unfortunately are trying to mimic what All That Is created in perfection. You might have heard of a word called 'kundalini'. This energy resides within you, it is an elixir that is of you and can provide you natural states of bliss that can take you into higher dimensions for many days. This energy has as another form of depravity been stemmed within your body. Under normal circumstances you would have nurtured this from when you were a teenager but many of you don’t know of its existence. This energy resides at the base of your spine and rises all the way to the top of your head and then flows back down distributing its potent energy throughout your body systems.

We encourage you to do some research on this aspect of your being and try to find out more about it. During your meditations question your mind and your body about the existence of 'kundalini'. Your body is a marvelous and perfect technology, do not abuse it. The energy body is a very delicate and intricate structure that entwines your physical body and extends itself to the external connecting you to everything around you. As you go through your day experiment and engage with this energetic body, you will soon find that you are able to sense, feel it and see it. This becomes more potent as you raise your frequency vibration through meditation, yoga, engaging with nature, music, your own creativity etc. As you strengthen your energies you are moving through the dense energies and strengthening your connection with your higher self and your connection to All That Is. We would like to end this transmission for today and encourage you to comment below. We leave you in peace and joy upon your path.


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